Qasori Methi Ke Fawaid - Fenugreek Benefits In Urdu Hindi

Fenugreek traces its origin to Europe and West Asia. Kasuri Methi provides numerous health benefits and is a regular feature in vegetarian cuisine.Kasuri Methi is mainly used in flavouring or seasoning dishes such as dals and vegetable gravies. It is a seasonal ingredient in many popular dishes all over India. It is found in pickles, salads, raitas and sometimes consumed in its green leafy form. • Regular consumption of Kasuri Methi helps keep cholesterol levels in check. • It helps in relieving gastric, digestion and intestine related problems. • Fenugreek leaves help in keeping the body’s blood lipids at the normal levels. • It helps in controlling the metabolism of glucose and hence prevents type-2 diabetes. • Reduces platelet formation which in turn prevents blood clotting in the heart.
