
Showing posts from December, 2021

Empty Capsules - Khali Capsule Ke Fawaid Or Nuqsan

Empty capsules are the most common option to store herbs, powders and medicines. Capsuline offers a variety of capsules, ranging from size 000 (the largerst) to size 5 (the smallest), diferent colors and selected flavors to make your brand differentiate from the rest.

Tukhme Kooncha Benefits - Khansi Ka Ilaj - Khansi Ka Ilaj Tukhme Kooncha

Tukhme kooncha or Cowhage is widely known as “The magic velvet bean”. It is a leguminous plant and is a good source of protein Tukhme kooncha increases sexual desire as well as the quality and quantity of sperm due to its aphrodisiac property. It helps in the management of nervous disorders like Parkinson's diseases and controls the symptoms of arthritis. The most effective way of consuming Tukhme kooncha powder is with milk. It might also help reduce the risk of breast cancer External exposure to the hair of the Tukhme kooncha pod or the seed itself can cause severe itching, burning and rashes.

Amaltas Benefits - Maidy Ke Ulcer Ka Ilaj - Amaltas Se Ulcer Ka Ilaj

The amaltas is used as analgesic as an antipyretic, it is a remedy for malaria and other fevers. The extract of the flower inhibits the ovarian function and stimulate the uterine function in albino rats. Amaltas fruits are used in the treatment of diabetes. It is antipyretic, abortifacient, demulcent, decreases inflammation and heat of the body useful in chest complaints, throat troubles, liver complaints and diseases of eye and gripping. The pulp of the fruit around the seeds is a mild purgative. The Indications of Decoction (Pods) of Cassia fistula Linn. are Inflammations and Diphtheria. The seeds of amaltas are emetic, used in constipation and have cathartic properties. The seeds are slightly sweet and possess laxative, carminative, cooling, improves the appetite and antipyretic activity. They seeds are useful in jaundice, biliousness, skin disease and in swollen throat. Its dried seeds produce marked hypoglycaemic activity. The Seeds powder of amaltas used in amoebiasis. The fruit ...

Jadwar Delphinium Denudatum Benefits - Sir Dard Ka Ilaj Jadwar Se

Jadwar (Delphinium denudatum) is a herb that belongs to Ranunculaceae (buttercups) family. It is also known as Nirvisha or Nirvishi that has earned immense value in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for its potent neuroprotective and cardioprotective activities. This herbal medicine pacifies Vata disorders such as hemiplegia, facial paralysis and convulsions owing to its neuroprotective action. While it works as a digestive stimulant clearing Ama from the system and improving appetite and digestion. This classic formulation is valuable in treating gastrointestinal disorders caused due to Kapha and Ama is used in many disease Like that • Abdominal diseases with Kapha dominance. • Cardiac weakness. • Common cold. • Productive cough. • Asthma with excess production of mucus. • Dysmenorrhea in women. • Dysuria. • Kidney stone. • Snakebite. • Insect bite. • Spider bite.

Gul e Banafsha Sweet Violet Benefits - Sir Dard Ka Ilaj - Gul E Banafsha Ke Fawaid

Sweet violet is an herb. The root and parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine.Sweet violet is used for nervous strain, hysteria, physical and mental exhaustion, symptoms of menopause (hot flashes), depression, and irritability.It is also used for digestive tract complaints such as abdominal pain, swelling (inflammation) of the stomach and intestines and the tissues that line them, digestion problems caused by improper diet, gas, heartburn, gallbladder disorders, and loss of appetite.

Qasori Methi Ke Fawaid - Fenugreek Benefits In Urdu Hindi

Fenugreek traces its origin to Europe and West Asia. Kasuri Methi provides numerous health benefits and is a regular feature in vegetarian cuisine.Kasuri Methi is mainly used in flavouring or seasoning dishes such as dals and vegetable gravies. It is a seasonal ingredient in many popular dishes all over India. It is found in pickles, salads, raitas and sometimes consumed in its green leafy form. • Regular consumption of Kasuri Methi helps keep cholesterol levels in check. • It helps in relieving gastric, digestion and intestine related problems. • Fenugreek leaves help in keeping the body’s blood lipids at the normal levels. • It helps in controlling the metabolism of glucose and hence prevents type-2 diabetes. • Reduces platelet formation which in turn prevents blood clotting in the heart.

Banafsha benefits - Dama Ka Mukamal Ilaj Banafsha Se

Banafsha is an herb. The root and parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine.banafsha is used for nervous strain, hysteria, physical and mental exhaustion, symptoms of menopause (hot flashes), depression, and is also used for digestive tract complaints such as abdominal pain, swelling (inflammation) of the stomach and intestines and the tissues that line them, digestion problems caused by improper diet, gas, heartburn, gallbladder disorders, and loss of appetite.

Churaliya Guilandina bonducella Benefits - Caesalpinia bonduc - Chambal Ilaj

Chirata is an herb. People use the parts that grow above the ground to make medicine.Chirata is used for fever, constipation, upset stomach, loss of appetite, intestinal worms, skin diseases, and cancer. Some people use it as “a bitter tonic.”In India, it has been used for malaria, when combined with the seeds of divi-divi (Guilandina bonducella).In manufacturing, chirata is used in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Balchar jatamansi Benefits - Bal Lamby Karne Ka Asan Tariqa - Balon Ka Mukamal Ilaj

Jatamansi is also known as Balchar that is a beneficial herb and used to cure many diseases. This herb is best to prevent mental fatigue, depression, tension, anxiety, and panic disorder. This is a perennial herb having its stem partly underground and partly above ground about 10-60 cm woody long and stout rhizome. It is the drug which is grey in colour as thick as the little-finger, covered by a bundle of fine reddish-brown fibers from the stalks of the dead leaves. It is used in gastritis,hepatitis,jaundice,impaired liver fuctions,spastic colon,cystitis and metritis. It is also used in the treatement of epilespy,hysteria,other convulsive affections,hyperkinesia, chorea, nervous headache,palpitation of heart, menopausal disturbances and amenorrohea.It is good and effective in insomnia in which is its volatile oil mixed wiht sesame oil is rubbed on the head as a nervine sedative. It promotes growth and blackness of hairs. Hence it is included in the formulations of hair oils and hair ...

Black Mosli Benefits - Hepatites Ka Ilaj - Yarqan Ka Mukamal Ilaj

Black Musli Is Used Along With Other Herbs To Treat Bronchitis, Chronic Cough And Asthma.Black Musli Is Effective In The Treatment Of Hepatitis. It Rejuvenates And Detoxifies The Liver And Normalizes Its Function. It Acts As A Good Appetite- Stimulant And Stabilizes Digestion. The Preparations Of This Herb Are Useful In Treating Piles And Irritable Bowel Syndrome .Ayurveda Also Elaborates Upon This Herb’s Aphrodisiac Properties. Black Musli Preparations Are Widely Used In Treating Erectile Dysfunction, Low Libido, Low Sperm Count And Low Sperm Motility. Ayurvedic Texts Immensely Praise Its Properties Of Enhancing Quality And Quantity Of Semen.Black Musli Acts As Diuretic And Boosts The Resistance Of Urinary System Against Infections.The Tuber Of Black Musli Is Ground Into Paste And Applied Externally As An Effective Cure For Several Skin Diseases.Black Musli Is Also Used As A General Systemic Health Enhancer. It Strengthens The Body And Boosts Immunity Levels.It Is Effective In Prevent...

Kia Ap Ko Bhi Dame Ka Masla Hain? - Asthma Ka Mukamal Or Shartia Ilaj Ghar Main

Asthma is a long-term disease of the lungs. It causes your airways to get inflamed and narrow, and it makes it hard to breathe. Severe asthma can cause trouble talking or being active. You might hear your doctor call it a chronic respiratory disease. Ingredients Mint Carom seeds Desi gurr How to make? Make powder of carom seeds and mint and boil it in 1 glass water.. Add some desi gurr in this water.

Kia Me Ganja Ho Agar Ho To Ilaj - Ganjhpan Ka Mukamal Ilaj

Baldness is hair loss, or absence of hair. It's also called alopecia. Baldness is usually most noticeable on the scalp, but it can happen anywhere on the body where hair grows.Baldness is an accepted part of the aging process for some, and a source of distress for others. Hair loss affects millions of men and women, yet despite decades of research, a cure is still not available. Just how close are we to finding a magic bullet for baldness? Medical news today take a look at the evidence. Ingredients Cloves Nutmeg Red chilli How to make? Take all ingredients in same quantity and make powder. Add 150 ml castor oil in it and make paste.

Hypothyroidism Symptoms in Urdu - Galy Ke Masail Ka Hal

Hypothyroidism is a condition where there isn’t enough thyroid hormone in your bloodstream and your metabolism slows down. Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid doesn’t create and release enough thyroid hormone into your body. A very serious condition, my edema can cause serious symptoms, including: • Anemia • Heart Failure • Confusion • Coma.

Be Khawabi ka Ilaj in Urdu - Nend Na Ana - Nigella Seeds Benefits In Urdu

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.The condition can be short-term or can last a long time . It may also come and go.Acute insomnia lasts from 1 night to a few weeks. Ingredients Poppy seeds oil Nigella seeds How to use? Take kalonji oil and poppy seeds oil mix it and apply on head

Sookha Amale Se Ilaj - Vitamin C Ki Jari Boti - Vitamin Ka Ghar Main Ilaj

Gooseberries are small, nutritious fruits that offer many health benefits are the most common types. Both are closely related to black, red, and white currants .The fruits of the gooseberry bush are small, weighing around 0.1–0.2 ounces (3–6 grams) each. They vary in color and can be green, yellow-white, pink, red, or dark purple. Gooseberries are high in fiber yet low in energy, meaning you can eat a decent portion without consuming too many calories. High blood sugar levels are linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and many other illnesses First, they’re high in fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels

Larkio Ke Private Masle - Likoria Ka Mukamal Ilaj - Likoria Ka Khatma

Leucorrhoea is a medical condition in which women experience the presence of yellowish or whitish vaginal discharge. This discharge is generally thick in consistency. Most women worry about this consistency, thinking they have a disease, but it is often just a vaginal infection. Ingredients Mint Fennel Large cardamom How to make? Take 1 spoon of mint and white fennel also take 1 large cardamom and eject it seeds. Cook all ingredients in 1 glass water and drink it after eat any murabba.

Balo Ki Chamak Dhamak Ka Special Tail - Balon Kliye Khobsort Amal

Get rid from all hair problem We share here the solution of all hair problem just like dandruff causes the scalp to produce white flakes. Hair loss it is the most common hair problem that can happen to anyone. Split ends division of hair shafts from the end refers to split ends Ingredients Almond oil Olive oil Castor oil Vitamin a capsule Kahu oil Neem oil How to make? Take all oil 50 ml and mix all and add 2 vitamin e capsule.

Barg E Bansa ke Fayde - Phepron Ke Masail Ka Ilaj - Lungs Treatment With Barge Bansa

In this Video We Tell About The Benefits Of Barg e Bansa. BANSA is probably one of the first Indian medicinal plants which went into commercial utilisation. About one hundred year ago, a few readymade caugh syrups which contained it as the chief ingredient hit the market. Even today, a number of proprietary expectorant formulations using it are being sold in the country.Called by many names such as vasa, vasaka and sinhasya in Sanskrit, Adhatoda vasica scientifically and basuti in popular terms, Bansa is a two to four feet tall dense shrub which grows in wastelands throughout the plains and foothills of India. Depending upon its colour, it has two varieties white and black. Fresh or dried leaves, flowers and the root of the plant are used as medicine. Bansa as a cure for diseases arising from vitiated kapha and pitta. It is bitter and astringent in taste and dry, light and cold in effect. Its chemical composition consists of an alkaloid known as vascine which is considered to be its ...

Chehre ke Ghair Zaroori Baal Khatam Karne ka Tarika - Unwanted Hair Problems

Many people have unwanted hair. It's common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, feet, and can have many causes, including genetics, certain medications such as steroids, higher levels of certain hormones, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.there are several ways to remove unwanted hair Ingredients Qaste sheeri Spaghol How to make? Make powder of qaste sheeri and mix it with spaghol make paste with water. Eat half spoon of qaste sheeri powder 3 times in a day.

High Blood Pressure ka Fori Ilaj in Urdu - Bp Control Treatment At Home

Blood Pressure Numbers Of Less Than 120/80 Mm Hg Are Considered Within The Normal Range. If Your Results Fall Into This Category, Stick With Heart-Healthy Habits Like Following A Balanced Diet And Getting Regular Exercise.Elevated Blood Pressure Is When Readings Consistently Range From 120-129 Systolic And Less Than 80 Mm Hg Diastolic. People With Elevated Blood Pressure Are Likely To Develop High Blood Pressure Unless Steps Are Taken To Control The Condition. Ingredients Fennel Cumin Seeds Small Cardamom How To Make? Add 2 Cardamoms, 1 Spoon Fennel, 1 Small Spoon Of Cumin Seeds In 1 Cup Water. Boil And Sieve It, Add Sugar And Drink It.

Khana Khao Dat Kar Or ye Dawa Lo Sb Hazam - Digestive Food Immediatly

Indigestion also called dyspepsia or an upset stomach is discomfort in your upper abdomen. Indigestion describes certain symptoms, such as abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness soon after you start eating, rather than a specific disease. Indigestion can also be a symptom of various digestive diseases. Ingredients Carom Seeds How to make? Eat Half Spoon Of Carom Seeds With Light Warm Water

18 Sal ki Umra Mein Qad Bhara Sakte Hain? - Qad Barhany Ka Nuskha

Shortness in children and young adults nearly always results from below-average growth in childhood, while shortness in older adults usually results from loss of height due to kyphosis of the spine or collapsed vertebrae from osteoporosis. The most common causes of short stature in childhood are constitutional growth delay or familial short stature.from a medical perspective, severe shortness can be a variation of normal, resulting from the interplay of multiple familial genes. Ingredients Arq e kalonji 100g Arq e injeer 50 g Arq e anaar 25g arq e santarah 500g Arq e safrejal 100grams Arq e khajoor 50grams arq e qasini 100g Arq e safaida 50g How to use? Mix all and add some honey make syrup.

Balo ka Tootna Aam Si Bat Or Khas Oil Me 1 Chez Mila Le

Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it's more common in men.baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. Ingredients Neem leaves Mustard oil How to make? Take 1 quarter of neem leaves and a and half quarter of mustard oil. Cook mustard oil and neem leaves when it cooked then sieve it.

Kharish Ka Ilaj Un Jaga Par Jo ke Ap Ke Kabi Jati he Nhe

Itching is an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch your skin. Sometimes it can feel like pain, but it is different. Often, you feel itchy in one area in your body, but sometimes you may feel itching all over. Along with the itching, you may also have a rash or hives. Ingredients Kafoor Mustard oil How to make? Add 10 grams of kafoor powder in 1 quintal of mustard oil and mix it well. Add it in bottle and keep it in sunlight.

Fori Mota Hone Ka Tarika - Weight Gain Tips - Wazan Barhane Ka Asan Tarika

Weak body is a condition when the body weight is 10-20% less than the average expected for one’s height, age. If the body weight is less by 20 % or more than ideal body weight, the individual is grossly underweight and it is a matter of higher concern. Ingredients Almonds White sesame Poppy seeds How to make? Take 1 spoon of poppy seeds and white sesame also take 7 almonds and add sugar.

Habur Irshad Desi Dawa ke Fayde in Urdu - Sar Dard Ka Ilaj Hab Ur Irshad

Garden Cress is an edible related to the family of watercress, mustard and is known for its peppery, tangy flavour and aroma.It is a winter perennial and the leaves are extensively used as a garnish in European foods like pasta, sandwiches, while the tiny, nutty seeds are used in salads, soups and smoothies. A mature Garden Cress plant produces white flowers and small seed pods, surprisingly all parts of garden cress are edible - leaves, stems, and seeds.Garden Cress seeds are heaped with nutrients including iron, folate, Vitamin C, A, E, fibre and protein and include these in your daily diet to enjoy a broad spectrum of health benefits.

Mohron Ka Dard ka Ilaj - Mohron Ke Har Masail Ka Hal - Disc Ke Dard Ka Ilaj

A slipped disc is when a soft cushion of tissue between the bones in your spine pushes out. It's painful if it presses on nerves. It usually gets better slowly with rest, gentle exercise and painkillers. a slipped disc can cause:lower back pain numbness or tingling in your shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs or feet ,neck pain problems bending or straightening your back muscle weakness pain in the buttocks, hips or legs if the disc is pressing on the sciatic nerve . Ingredients Dry ginger White musli Bhadawa Suranjan sheeri How to make? Take all ingredients in same quantity and make powder. Eat 5 grams in morning and evening with water.

Gule Nilofar Ke Fayde - Skin Allergy Ka Mukamal Ilaj - Desi Treatment

Nilofar have a generally calming and sedative effect upon the nervous system, useful in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety and similar disorders. They are useful in asthma, bronchitis, cough and tuberculosis. Also used for oedema, and piles. White lotus was used in ancient egypt, as a key to good health, sex and re-birth.he plant is an aphrodisiac for both men and women and a general remedy for all kind of illnesses.continued use of tiger lotus enhances sexual vigor and general good health. It is a tonic richer than ginseng, pain reliever richer than arnica, circulation stimulant richer than ginkgo biloba and sexual stimulant richer than viagra.the flowers of white lotus are used for preparing tea that creates a warm, euphoric glow.its rhizomes are cooling, sweet, bitter and tonic and used in diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia and general debility.

Aankhon Se Pani Aane ka Ilaj - Ankhon Ka Ilaj - Watery Eyes Treatment

An Allergy Or Infection Blocked Tear Ducts (The Small Tubes That Tears Drain Into) Your Eyelid Drooping Away From The Eye Or Other Eyelid Problems. Dry Eye Syndrome – This Can Cause Your Eyes To Produce Too Many Tears. Ingredients Coriander Seeds Kali Harrar Gooseberry Bari Harar How To Make? Coriander Seeds Half Tola,Bari Harar 1tola, Amla 1 Tola. Make Powder Of All Ingredients And Add It In Honey.

Dil ke Valve ka Dasi Ilaj - Dil Ke Amraz Ka Ilaj - Dil Ka Ilaj

A buildup of fatty plaques in your arteries, or atherosclerosis can damage your blood vessels and heart. Plaque buildup causes narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain or stroke.Coronary artery disease symptoms may be different for men and women. For instance, men are more likely to have chest pain. Women are more likely to have other signs and symptoms along with chest discomfort, such as shortness of breath, nausea and extreme fatigue. Ingrdients Ginger Juice Garlic Lemon Juice Apple Vinegar How To Make? Add 2 Spoon Of Apple Vinegar In 1 Cup Water And Drink it

Noshadar Benefits in Urdu - Maidy Ke Zakham Ka Ilaj Nushdar Se - Benefits Of Nushadar

This mineral has been used for the treatment of multiple diseases for hundreds of years. Even before the advancement in modern medicine and chemistry, people are well aware of the health benefits of noshadar. Here are some of the vital noshadar benefits for health;It helps in reducing inflammation in the body.Patients with gastrointestinal tract problems, such as stomach ulcers, indigestion, flatulence, and heartburning, can use noshadar to treat these problems related to digestion.Noshadar salt has urinary acidifying properties by cleaning the stomach and passes out impurities through urine. These characteristics as a urinary acidifying salt make this salt a stomach purifier. It removes impurities from the stomach.Noshadar is also used as an expectorant and eases the cough. Moreover, it removes phlegm by irritating the mucous membranes.

Gule Anar Ke Fayde - Dama Ka Ilaj Gul E Anar Se - Sans Ki Taklef Ka Mukamal Ilaj - Serf Aik Chez

Pomegranate is undoubtedly a great combination of health and taste. And what’s more interesting is that not just the seeds, even pomegranate peel is loaded with numerous health benefits. But if you are diabetic, then including pomegranate flowers is the best way to control your blood glucose level. The flowers are rich in antioxidants and contain photochemical reservoirs, which helps in lowering the health complications associated with diabetes. Health benefits of pomegranate flowers for diabetics • Pomegranates Are Loaded With Important Nutrients. ... • Pomegranates Contain Two Plant Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties. ... • Pomegranate Has Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects. ... • Pomegranate May Help Fight Prostate Cancer. ... • Pomegranate May Also be Useful Against Breast Cancer.

Naso Me Dard ka Ilaj - Nerve Pain Solution

Vein pain may indicate a serious condition, such as deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot in the leg that can break loose from the leg and cause a pulmonary embolism in the lung, or a heart attack or stroke. It may also be caused by milder conditions, such as cellulitis, a common bacterial skin infection. Ingredients Flex seeds Walnut White sesame Gurr How to make? Take flex seeds 2 spoon , white sesame 2 spoon and roast it on griddle. Also take 4 walnut and roasted alsi and sesame and mix and gland it.. Add 2 spoon of this powder in 1 glass light warm milk.

Chob Chini Ke Faide - Sir Dard Ka Ilaj Chob Cheni Se - Harbal Treatment

This herb is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation. Large dose (many times the recommended dosage) may cause nausea and vomiting.Herbal and Unani doctors prescribe China Root for white discharge or leukorrhea in women. It has been found to be quite effective in controlling the problem. China root contains several medicinal properties including control of swellings (anti-inflammatory), removal of pus from wounds, promotion of urine (diuretic), bringing down high body temperature, removing gas (flatulence) and clearing bowels.The rhizome of China root can be used in the form of powder or paste, cooked or raw. The daily intake of the rhizome should not exceed 10 grams a day, as heavy dosage may result in nausea and vomiting. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid China root formulations as it may affect their health.

Bacho Ko Bina Jarsi ke Sardi Nhe Lage Gi - Bachon Main Sardi Se Bachao Ka Amal

In this video we tell how to take care of children from winter. We tell easy remedy for children which make from mustard oil. Ingredients Mustard oil Carom seeds Garlic Turmeric How to make? Take mustard oil 1 cup, carom seeds 1 spoon , turmeric half spoon , garlic 3 cloves. Cook this oil after cooked cool and sieve it well. Give massage of this oil on babies muscles.

Revand Khatai ke Fayde - Haiz ki Bandish ka Ilaj - Revand Khatai Se Khawaten Ke Hal

Rhubarb is used primarily for digestive complaints including constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, and preparation for certain GI diagnostic procedures. Some people use rhubarb to decrease the strain during bowel movements. Rhubarb is also used for gonorrhea, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure associated with pregnancy, and weight loss.Rhubarb is also used to improve symptoms associated with menopause or menstruation. It is also used to reduce pain associated with pancreas swelling (inflammation) or to slow down kidney disease. Rhubarb is used to reduce symptoms of stroke, sepsis (blood infection), or pesticide poisoning. It is also used for some types of cancer and for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Sans Ke Liye Ilaaj - Sans Ki Tangi Fori Door Karne Ka Tarika - Sans Ke Masail Ka Hal

Many breathing problems are long-term (chronic). These include chronic sinusitis, allergies, and asthma. They can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, chest congestion, coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, and shallow breathing. Ingredients Almonds oil Ginger Onion Almonds How to make? Chopped onion and eject its water. Soak the almonds in water. Take almond oil, onion juice, ginger water in same quantity mix and use it.

Dama Buti Ke Fayde - Nazla Zukam Bukhar Ka Ilaj - Fever Treatment At Home

Dama booti is a unique formulation that works at the cellular level, to rectify the pathological damage caused to bronchitis. It works dynamically & synergistically with the body to eliminate all possible causes including infections, toxins & allergens. Its specific natural ingredients arrest the progress of chronic or acute bronchitis to complicated & irreversible stages. This natural medicine boosts the immune system, helps combat virulent pathogens, restoring the body to normally during hypersensitivity reactions.

Peshab ki Jalan 2 Minute Door Kare - Peshab Ki Jalan Ka Mukamal Khatma - Urine Burning

A burning sensation with urination can be caused by infectious (including sexually transmitted infections, such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea and noninfectious conditions, but it is most commonly due to bacterial infection of the urinary tract affecting the bladder. Ingredients Akarkara 10grams, Gond Katira 30grams, White Mosli 25Grams Spaghol 25grams How to Make? Make Powder of All Ingredients

Bohar Ky Darakht Ky Fawaid or BeAuladi Ka Ilaj

Benefits Of Bargad Tree In this video we introduce beneficial herb which name is “Bargad ka darakht The banyan tree is a tree that heals our body. The banyan is one of more than 750 species of fig trees, each of which is pollinated only by its own species of tiny wasps that breed only inside the figs of their partner trees.Banyans are strangler figs. They grow from seeds that land on other trees. The roots they send down smother their hosts and grow into stout, branch-supporting pillars that resemble new tree trunks.

Aankh Ka Laal Hona - Ankhe Red Rehti Hain To Ye Use kare To Jaldi Thek Ho Jaye Free Remedy

Red Eyes Usually Are Caused By Allergy, Eye Fatigue, Over-Wearing Contact Lenses Or Common Eye Infections Such As Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis). However, Redness Of The Eye Sometimes Can Signal A More Serious Eye Condition Or Disease, Such As Verities Or Glaucoma. Ingredients Rose Water Coriander Seeds How To Make? Boil Coriander Seeds In Water And Sieve It.. Take 2 Spoon Of Coriander Water And Rose Water Mix It Well. Add Some Menthol In It.

Gule Banafsha Benefits - Boht He Azmoda Faide Banafsha Ke

Benefits Of Gul e Banafsha (Sweet Violets) Sweet violet is used for treating nervous strain, hysteria, physical and mental exhaustion, depression, and irritability. Its use will moderate anger, strengthen and comfort the heart. It is very useful for digestive tract complaints such as abdominal pain, swelling (inflammation) of the stomach and intestines and the tissues that line them, digestion problems caused by improper diet, gas, heartburn, gallbladder disorders, and loss of appetite. It can also use for respiratory tract conditions, particularly to treat dry or sore throat, stuffy nose, coughs, hoarseness, and bronchitis. It has chemicals that help break up chest congestion by thinning mucous and making it easier to cough up.

Pore Jisam Me Khi Bhi Dard Fori Ilaj Aik Dawa

Body Aches Are Common. They Can Result From Tiredness Or Exercise, But They Can Also Be A Symptom Of An Underlying Condition. While Body Aches Are Usually Harmless, It Is Helpful To Understand What Causes Them And When To Seek Medical Attention. Body Aches Can Vary In Intensity And Frequency. Ingredients Rock Salt Olive Oil How To Make? Take 10 Spoon Of Rock Salt . Take 20 Spoons Of Olive Oil. Mix Both Ingredients Add It In Jar And Leave For 2 Days,

Aankh Par Dana Nikalna - Bina Operate Ke Dana Khatam

Pimple On Eye Treatment Most Bumps On The Eyelid Are Styes. A Stye Is An Inflamed Oil Gland On The Edge Of Your Eyelid, Where The Eyelash Meets The Lid. It Appears As A Red, Swollen Bump That Looks Like A Pimple. Ingredients Green Tea Coriander Seeds How To Use? Cook And Take Green Tea And Semble The Waste Tea Bag On Your Eyes. Boil 1 Spoon Of Coriander Seeds In 1 Cup Water. Cool It And Wash Your Eyes With This Water.

Asgand Nagori Ke Fayde in Urdu

In This Video We Introduce This Herb Which Name Is Asgandh Nagori. Asgandh Nagori Is An Evergreen Shrub That Grows In Asia And Africa. It Is Commonly Used For Stress. There Is Little Evidence For Its Use As An Adaptogen.Asgandh Nagori Contains Chemicals That Might Help Calm The Brain, Reduce Swelling, Lower Blood Pressure, And Alter The Immune System. It Is Used For Many Conditions Related To Stress.

Kali Zeeri ke Fayde - Kali Zeeri Ka Istamal Jisam Main Kia Tabdeli Lata Hai

In This Video we tell the benefits of Kali Zeeri. Kali Zeeri effects appear in the lymph, blood, fats, skin, gut and kidneys. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anthelmintic actions, which help to get rid of a wide range of diseases. Kali Zeeri is a highly effective in cases of bloating, belching and intestinal gas. Both herbs have potent carminative, ant flatulent, antispasmodic, and cholagogue actions

Khas Dasi Porene Dame Ka Fori Ilaj

Asthma Is A Long-Term Disease Of The Lungs. It Causes Your Airways To Get Inflamed And Narrow, And It Makes It Hard To Breathe. Severe Asthma Can Cause Trouble Talking Or Being Active. You Might Hear Your Doctor Call It A Chronic Respiratory Disease. Ingredients Banana Root How To Make? Wash Banana Root And Dry And Burn It. Make Powder Of Burn Banana Root. Add Some Honey In This Powder And Eat It. Take Honey And Banana Root In Same Quantity.

Surkh Sandal Dasi Remedy Ke Faide

Surkh Sandal (Red sandalwood) Benefits Red sandalwood is a tree. The wood at the center of the trunk (heartwood) and the bark are used as medicine. ... In manufacturing, red sandalwood is used as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages. Don't confuse red sandalwood.

Sir ke Ek Side Me Dard Hona

Several Kinds Of Headaches Can Cause Pain On The Left Side, Including Migraine And Cluster Headaches. For A Person With A Primary Headache, The Pain Is The Main Symptom. A Secondary Headache Results From Another Health Issue. Ingredients Coriander Seeds Black Pepper Istokhuddus How To Make? Coriander Seeds 50g, Black Pepper 45, Istokhuddus 50g. Make Powder Of All Ingredients. Soak 1 Spoon Of This Water For Whole Night, Drink It In Morning.

Gandak Khane ke Fayde - Ye Kia Hoti Hain Gandak Or Kaha Istimal Kare Ise

Gandhak Amla Sar ( Yellow Sulphur) Benefits Gandhak Amla Sar Is A Herbal Product Used In Different Kinds Of Medications. It's Available In Stone And Powder Forms; Both Are Used In Several Medicinal Remedies. It's Natural Occurrence Is Yellow-Colored Solid. Other Than It's Commercial Use, It Is Also Recommended To Use In Some Home Remedies.

Kamzor Maida ka Ilaj - Alser Dard or Maide Ke Sb Masle Hal Ho Jaye Ge

Today We Share Here The Best Remedy For Stomach Problems Like That Stomach Pain, Abdominal Pain Can Be Caused By Many Conditions. However, The Main Causes Are Infection, Abnormal Growths, Inflammation, Obstruction (Blockage), And Intestinal Disorders. And Second Gastric Problem In Stomach, Gastric Problem Or Gastritis Is An Inflammation, Irritation, Or Erosion Of The Lining Of The Stomach. It Starts From Being Acute And Can Turn Gradually Into A Chronic Condition.

Gul Mandi ke Fayde In Urdu

Gulmundi (East Indian Globe-thistle) Benefits Gul Mandi also known as Sphaeranthus Indicus is a medicinal plant that is widely found in Southeast Asia. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of the plant make it effective in treating skin infections. It is currently being researched in India as a potential natural remedy for psoriasis. The roots and seeds are useful in eliminating parasitic worms. The herb is also reported as a tonic to treat indigestion, asthma, leucoderma and dysentery. The flowers are credited with alterative, depurative and tonic properties.

Pait Kam Karne ka Totka Dasi - Jaldi Pait Kam Hona Bhi Nuksan Hain

Belly Fat Is Excess Abdominal Fat Surrounding The Organs In Your Stomach. There Are Three Types Of Fat: Triglycerides, Subcutaneous Fat Visceral Fat Is Located Beneath The Muscles In Your Stomach And Poses Many Dangers To Your Health When There Is Too Much Of It. Ingredients Falsy Ki Jar Ki Chaal Cinnamon Black Pepper Ginger Fennel Cloves How To Make? Make Powder Of Falsa Jar Ki Chal And Take 1 Spoon Of It. Take 1 Piece Of Cinnamon And Make Powder. Take 1 Spoon Of Fennel, Black Pepper 6, Cloves 2, Ginger 1 Inch Piece. Cook All Ingredients In 1 Glass Water Sieve And Add Honey In It.

Eyes Ke Lakwa ka ilaj - EYE CARE & EYE TAPING

Bell's Palsy Treatment Bell's Palsy Is An Unexplained Episode Of Facial Muscle Weakness Or Paralysis. It Begins Suddenly And Worsens Over 48 Hours. This Condition Results From Damage To The Facial Nerve (The 7th Cranial Nerve). Pain And Discomfort Usually Occur On One Side Of The Face Or Head. Bell's Palsy Can Strike Anyone At Any Age. Ingredients Egg Akarkara Dry Ginger Cinnamon Cloves Khulanjan Gurr How To Make? Boil 10 Eggs And Eject Its Yolk. Cook The Gurr In Water And Mix All Ingredients In This Water.

Choti Chandan K Fwaid - Choti Chandan Benefits

Chewing on Indian snakeroot can effectively lowered blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and relieving strain on the heart This can help to prevent conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure. Reduce stress and anxiety, nervousness, hypertension and mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Indian snakeroot is very good at relaxing the body and inducing calm, uninterrupted sleep. For people suffering from insomnia, restlessness, or general fatigue, Indian snakeroot can provide deep, invigorating sleep and a clear head in the morning.

Hepatitis C kue hota Hain Or Us Ka Ilaj

Hepatitis C Virus Causes Both Acute And Chronic Infection. Acute Infections Are Usually Asymptomatic And Most Do Not Lead To A Life-Threatening Disease. Around 30% (15–45%) Of Infected Persons Spontaneously Clear The Virus Within 6 Months Of Infection Without Any Treatment. Ingredients Noshader Thikri Aloe Era How To Make? Take 50 Grams Of Noshader Thikri And Aloe Era Gel 100 Grams. Make Powder Of Noshader Thikri And Mix Aloe Vera Gel In It. Leave It For Whole Night In The Morning, Squeeze Aloe Era Gel And Sieve It.

Pore Jisam Ka Fori Dard Khatam - Dardo Ka Fori Or 1 Remedy Se Ilaj

Body Aches Are Common. They Can Result From Tiredness Or Exercise, But They Can Also Be A Symptom Of An Underlying Condition. While Body Aches Are Usually Harmless, It Is Helpful To Understand What Causes Them And When To Seek Medical Attention. Body Aches Can Vary In Intensity And Frequency. Ingredients Dry Ginger Cloves Cinnamon Mace Javarish Jalinoos How To Make? Eat 1 Spoon Of Javarish Jalinoos Daily. Take All Ingredients In Same Quantity And Make Powder. Add 100g Sugar And Eat 1 Spoon Of This Powder With Milk.

Pait ka Alser ka Fori Ilaj - Pait Ke Sb Zakhmo Ki Home Remedy Free

Treatment Of All Types Of Ulcer Ulcers Are Sores On The Lining Of Your Stomach Or Small Intestine. Sores Also Could Be On Your Esophagus (Throat). Most Ulcers Are Located In The Small Intestine. These Ulcers Are Called Duodenal Ulcers. Ingredients Cardamom Sugar Lumps Almonds Banana Tabahseer How to make? Take All Ingredients In Same Quantity And Make Powder.

Late Night Sleep Problem - Rato Ko Need Nhe Ati Ab Is Remedy Se Lazmi or Time Se Need Aye Gi

Sleeping Disorder Treatment Common Sleep Disorders Like Insomnia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Narcolepsy And Sleep Apnea Can Affect Every Aspect Of Your Life Including Your Safety, Relationships, School And Work Performance, Thinking, Mental Health, Weight And The Development Of Diabetes And Heart Disease. Ingredients White Sesame Black Sesame White Cumin How To Eat? Take All Ingredients In Same Quantity, Mix And Eat It.

Sohanjna Ke Fayde - Moringa Oleifera Benefits

Suhanjna ke Patte (Moringa Leaves) Moringa is a plant that is native to areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine. Moringa is taken by mouth for "tired blood" (anemia), arthritis and other joint pain (rheumatism), asthma, cancer, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, seizures, stomach pain, stomach and intestinal ulcers, intestinal spasms, headache, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, symptoms of menopause, thyroid disorders, and infections.

Dangi Machar Ka Fori Ilaj - Macher Ka Season Ka Fori Ilaj

Protection From Dengue Dengue Is A Mosquito-Borne Viral Infection, Found In Tropical And Sub-Tropical Climates Worldwide, Mostly In Urban And Semi-Urban Areas. The Virus Responsible For Causing Dengue, Is Called Dengue Virus . There Are Four Serotypes, Meaning That It Is Possible To Be Infected Four Times.