Mucus, Flu And Cough Treatment - Nazla Or Reeshy Ka Mukamal Ilaj - Purani Jami Balgam Ka Khatma

Mucus Is A Normal, Slippery And Stringy Fluid Substance Produced By Many Lining Tissues In The Body. Influenza Is A Viral Infection That Attacks Your Respiratory System — Your Nose, Throat And Lungs. Influenza Is Commonly Called The Flu, But It's Not The Same As Stomach "Flu" Viruses That Cause Diarrhea And Vomiting. A Cough, Also Known As Tosses, Is A Voluntary Or Involuntary Act That Clears The Throat And Breathing Passage Of Foreign Particles, Microbes, Irritants, Fluids, And Mucus. Ingredients Nigella Seeds Honey How To Make? Add 3 Spoons Of Nigella Seeds In 1 Glass Water And Cooked It. When It Cooked Then Add Honey. Drink It Before Sleeping.
