Male Infertility Treatment - Mardana Kamzori Or Bimario Ka Ilaj

Infertility can be caused by problems that affect sperm production or how the sperm travels. Male infertility can be caused by low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries and chronic health problems. Today we solve your This Big Problem. Ingredients White Mosli Sugar Lumps Khulanjan Maghaz Banola Daal Makhana How to Make? Maghaz Banola 50g, Dal Makhana 50g , Sugar Lumps 50g , Khulanjan 50g. Make Powder of All Ingredients and Eat with Water in Morning and evening. #maleinfertility #menpower #mardanakamzori #bajiparveen #health #beauty #tips
